The Last Photo with My Father

11/22/22: The last photo taken with my Father.

Jeremy and I brought Little John the goat to visit, and he got along surprisingly well with my parent’s dogs. We shared the story of how Little John — born on our farm in February — had become a permanent member of our family. (LJ was told that he could either stay on Little Brook Farm as a wethered pet or go to another farm to become a Papa goat with girlfriends. I asked him to stomp his foot if he wanted to stay. Little John considered for a while before looking me square in the eye, stomping his foot, and walking away!)

“Nice visit!” my father said as we were leaving.

I was sick over Thanksgiving so the next time I saw my Father was on 11/27. He was soundly sleeping but woke up when he heard that I was leaving.

His eyes opened and lit up so brightly.

“Goodbye,” he waved. “I love you!”

The next day my Father passed peacefully with his dog in his lap and my Mother — his partner of 70 years — by his side.

My Father gifted me with so much in this lifetime but these final memories are the greatest gifts I could ever receive.

Always in my heart.

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